Friday, October 10, 2008

Fun With Flashbacks, Part IV or How I somewhat cheat with a blog that's not really new.

I know what you're thinking. I've never done a Fun With Flashbacks blog, much less three of them. And you're right. The only reason this is part four is due to the Back to the Future Trilogy(which has nothing to do with my blog, it was more out of precaution.) Anyway, due to the economnomnomic crisis going on, I'm recycling editing my first blog. It does nothing for the environment, nor does it do anything to help me economically, I just like to say I told you so. Thus I give you my unequivocally recycled editor's cut blog.

June 3, 2008. It's around 2:40 and I had nothing to do. Nothing to do but blog. And so I did. For a whole 20 minutes or so, I sat in an office chair furiously writing and poorly photoshopping away on a blog I didn't really expect anyone to read. Well maybe I expected a few friends, but I pretty much figured everyone would just skim through it or ignore it as a load of bull. Some read it, some commented it (on myspace), and some did nothing (I don't blame them). It wasn't a sucess or close to being one, and I doubt it will ever be a sucess until america actually listens to me. Which might never happen, but I digress.

Parts One, and Two Merged for this Special Edition
A proposal for a solution to the end of America's debt, or "How I think we wasted money" or a totally recycled edited title from my first blog.
Getting straight to the subject, we waste pennies, dimes, nickels, and quarters. A man once said "A penny saved, is a penny earned". That man, also known as Benjamin Franklin, knew what he was talking about. If he didn't, I don't think he'd be on the 100 dollar bill. You see, America is in debt. Lots O' Debt. Why? I don't know.... Oh wait, I do know. It's the pennies, and all sorts of other change that we drop. And a few other major minor reasons, but for my sake I won't get into that.
In my first blog, I suggested we start a penny/dime/nickel saving commission. It could have a commercial, with a catchy phrase. I also said if America doesn't start now, we'll start down the long forgotten road of no coin change. And that it would not be fun on 99 cent taco Tuesdays for most of us. Sad thing is, I believe we're dead close to that fun-free taco-less future.

So what do we do? Simple. Save like no tomorrow. Forget tossing that penny into a wishing well wishing for a million dollars. If I had a penny for everytime someone did that, I'd have a million dollars. But I don't get a penny for that, so you can stop wishing. Plus, as I pointed out in the first blog, there are serious repercussions from throwing change into wells, rivers, and other places fish live. See Part two of said blog for more info:

So as you can see, as I end this due to a general want to end it like I did the first blog- There is one true point that rings throughout like a bell symbolizing freedom rings. If America would just pick up their pocket change, I dare say we wouldn't be in debt. I also dare say I wouldn't have to write this.