Monday, February 9, 2009

Grammar VS.The Internet: The war that will last forever.

Grammar Versus the Internet
The Neverending War, Pt. I


Few things last forever, and everyone knows that. But the lack of grammar on the internet, if left uncorrected, could last forever. One simply has to look on "Facebook", "Myspace", or the ultimate offender, a website that throws grammar out the window like William Shatner once threw caution to the wind, "I can has cheezburger". Five minutes on any of the following sites reveals one obvious thing; Grammar has no home on the internet. In this Weblog of mine, I will strategically break down my talking points into three small sections. Read with caution, as one may be offended when I go though the errors of many made on the internet.

Mine is Mine; Yours is yours, and you're is not what your thinking causes you believe it is.
The most popular mistake one can make is believing that the word 'your' is the same as "you're", the contraction for you are. It is not the same. If one would simply remember what they learned in school over a period of about 10+ years, they would avoid this mistake. The word 'your' is possessive, and should only be used in sentences dealing with possession, not actions. The word you're is quite underused, as the word your often replaces it. How would one feel if they were replaced by something that didn't do the same job? Rejected, of course. So the next time one writes a sentence, think. The word "you're", not "your" should be used to simplify "you are". To recap, it's simple:
  • Your ≠ You're.
  • See above.

They're having fun over there with their new favorite contraction, "they're".

Pretty much the same as above. They're ≠ there ≠ their. The word "they're" is used to denote a group of something doing something, the word "there" is meant to denote a location, and finally the word "their" is used in possessive sentences. In review:
  • They're ≠ there ≠ their.
  • You probably thought I'd say "See Above"
  • You're right in thinking that, See Above.

Spelling Errors Come Easily, but Firefox with Spell Check is Easier.
It's as simple as these three steps:
  1. Download Firefox here, then install it.
  2. See above. It's that simple, and Firefox has a built in Spell Checker.

En Revisar.
Using Spanish in any sentence can confuse the average person, and one can always have fun with that. Fun aside, I'm entirely kidding about this whole blog. This is just what happens when I'm bored. But seriously people, take my advice. At least, the simplified advice(anything that had the phrase "See above" with it).
The End.

Monday, February 2, 2009

John McCain Picks Cardinals to Win Super Bowl; Dems Claim Victory After Game "Just For Fun"

TAMPA BAY, FL- In what some are calling one of the lamest possible things the Democrats can do to rub John McCain's loss in his face, the Democrats claimed Victory yet again Sunday night- Because McCain picked the Cards to win. President Obama held a press conference that night to congratulate the Steelers for "sort of doing the same thing I did". Joe Biden, though uninvited, also made an appearance only to say that he "wanted the Cards to win too, because he thought Kurt Warner reminded him of himself and the team reminded him of Barack..." when asked what he meant, he went on to say "Joe Biden is like Kurt Warner... I'm leading an inexperienced team in the big game... er sorry folks, my mouth is like a train: it starts going, and can't be stopped".
Joe later left the conference, only to find Barack didn't like a word he said. Other Democrats were asked what they thought as well, with Hilary Clinton saying "it was a great game..." and "I should probably get some terrible towels too for when I'm president". Her husband Bill thought it was a good game as well, and that the cheerleaders did a great job cheering the team on. It was also reported he later called both franchises to find out how to get them for Hilary's next campaign, because "She always needs people to cheer her on".
My sources thought for a minute or so about whether or not to ask Nancy Pelosi for her opinion of the game, but they quickly realized she would just take the opportunity to talk about pass "protection", rather than the actual game.

In other news, former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich went legally insane after cops wouldn't arrest him for "illegally trying to sell Super Bowl XLIII seats for the right price". Turns out, he finally did something that is worthy of the words "legally" and "selling" in the same sentence.